Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Technology Generation"

I've probably heard it my entire life. I am a member of the "technology generation." It never has really occurred to me until this last year that my own mother did not have the same web access I have. She didn't have her own computer growing up. I imagine her family did not even have a computer.
Watching "Digital Nation" really got me thinking about how I feel as we advance even further into technology-driven worlds. By living in a small town, I don't really feel as advanced as some of the people in the video. At the same time I think of how there are those in foreign countries that don't have internet access or electronics at all.
It seems every day there is a new gadget out, and there will be someone you know who wants it. They don't want it for its uses even; they just want it to have it. I think that is our real problem, especially here in America.
We want that new iPad, we want to have internet access everywhere we go. Even if we don't plan to do anything more than to just play a game or check Facebook. It's like we're more obsessive about the type of technology we have, rather than what it really represents.
Most of the time, we're not even aware of the things our phone can do. We don't realize that even by having access to a computer with internet we're capable to develop a program, create a new video game. Even if we do know that we can do it, we're not necessarily interested in it.
Experts say we're moving towards, or are even in, a generation where it's all about information gain. In my eyes though, I think it's more of an obsession. A teacher in this video said that the internet is comparable to oxygen, and we would never dream of taking it away from our kids. But it's not oxygen. It's not essential to our lives.


  1. I think what she meant by saying it was like oxygen was that kids think they need it to survive, that without it they would just die. Of course, that's not true, but to her it seems like these people are just way too attached.

  2. I agree. There are people who are too attached to technology. Technology isn't a bad thing, its a good thing if used correctly. Its a little bit like medicine, a little can help, but too much can hurt you. Technology does play a key role in society, but it looks like that its beginning to take over some peoples lives. Its not a problem to worry about, but it can get worse, if not controlled.
