Thursday, January 19, 2012

Class Reflection

So far in this class, I have not learned a lot that I didn't already know. I already was familiar with email, chat, and joining social networks. Something new to me, though, is blogs. I've never been one to read blogs or have one of my own. I'm not sure if this will be useful to me in the future, but for now it's what makes or breaks my grade.
Another new thing to me is working on a project with someone via web. I am used to the weekend night study groups for a project, but I have never had to do something like this with no personal interaction other than a chat box. As technology progresses and this sort of collaboration become more common, I feel that this is something I will have to learn how to do whether I like it or not.


  1. I hope you will see some of the advantages of social bookmarking. I use mine all the time. I also follow a lot of blogs. Many of them are written by people that are well known in the fields I am interested in. I have gotten a lot of good info and perspectives from the blogs. Just like everything else, it depends on the source :)

  2. I love the blogs,I think they are fun and it's interesting to look at everyone's views on things.

  3. I have been following more blogs since this class. I find it interesting to see how people feel about things. I am also excited about Diigo. I like it will be very helpful for college!!

  4. I agree with you on having to work on a project without like face to face interactions. I'm not use to it but its cool that we have technology that allows us to do this.

  5. If you are familiar with Diigo, that could really help you to develop your bibliographies in a much easier fashion for your A & P projects. As a teacher and a student getting my masters, blogs are a great way to learn about what others in your field are doing. One of the best blogs I read is by a National Teacher of the Year in Minnesota. I couldn't have gotten his insight and collaborate as often without the use of blogs.
